Completed Christianity Outline

A Prophetic Theory (Preliminary, mostly Scripture)

As the light of 'That 'Day' dawns, a prophetic reality is becoming clear. This is an attempt to describe that reality as the darkness and morning mist melts away in the morning sun. While the scene before us is real, this attempt to describe that scene is surely less than ideal - but it is a place to start.

A theory is a proposed explanation or hypothesis presenting a systematic view of some subject. Completed Christianity is presented as a divinely inspired theory of the Day of the Lord, the end of the age. It was not given by 'special revelation'. The author testifies that he has not received or witnessed such a 'special revelation' in his entire life. No, the great bulk, if not the entire 'road-map' describing this end day journey will come through minds transformed by the wisdom of the Word.

This is not a catalog of well known end day events. In fact, since there is a fair amount of written material available about theses events, they are purposely avoided. Many must be reevaluated in light of the startling scenario presented herein. Singular events must be connected before they can be said to be understood. Unconnected events are cause for further research, the Spirit "will tell you what is yet to come".

This 'road-map' describes realistic, lofty, and seemingly unattainable goals. The theory of Completed Christianity includes five 'completions' all prepared by God to achieve desired goals. As far as the personal goal is concerned, this is a 'conformity based' prophetic scenario (all events contribute to the goal - conforming to Christ). A 'road map' of the transformation of Christianity from childhood to adulthood. From mere men to the very image of Messiah. As John stated it from his perspective 2000 years ago:

Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when [by the time] he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure. 1 John 3:2

or as Paul states it: ...until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Eph 4:13

There are at least three prophetic theorems or truths that this theory is built upon.

Prophetic Theorems

A prophetic theorem is a truth or subject of Scripture which is virtually irrefutable because of it's centrality of focus, evidenced by continuing repetition and development. This truth then becomes one of the 'navigation lights' of Scripture by which all other Scriptural interpretations and prophetic views can, and must, be judged as to their validity. All prophetic events must conform and contribute to these PROPHETIC THEOREMS and which in the aggregate form a PROPHETIC THEORY, also consistent with these truths, or they cannot be validated. The three PROPHETIC THEOREMS are :